God and Wealth

Author: Aaron Simms

“No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and wealth” Matthew 6:24

I was on a mission trip some years ago in Mexico, in a very poor area where we had the privilege of feeding and clothing people and sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ. It was hot work feeding many people after preparing meals throughout the day. One evening, we were in a place where the electricity was non-existent, and the only light to see to distribute meals was the headlights of our vehicles. That particular evening, we had been distributing clothing, including winter jackets and coats. Inexplicably, there was a cold snap, and I was wearing the same clothes I had been wearing in the heat of the day--just a t-shirt and jeans. I’ve never forgotten that a young man about my size, who we had given a coat to, saw me shivering as we were working. He approached me and offered me the coat off of his back (that he had just received shortly before)-willing to be cold so that I wouldn’t be. These people lived in the middle of the city dump, their houses literally built out of what others had thrown away and he was offering me the coat off of his back. That was a young man, in his poverty, who was not serving wealth. (It may please you to know he remained warm, after all, and all felt loved! Praise the Lord!)

Why am I telling that story now? This morning I was pondering Matthew 6:24, and this story came to me, and I was reviewing how that young man had it right.  I believe that the Church has often suffered lack because of our idolatry, specifically “serving wealth” as Jesus said. If we have been more concerned with what we have (or don’t have) than with Jesus Christ and His glory, then there has been an imbalance that needs to be repented of and corrected. 

I believe that the Lord desires a church that can be blessed financially, without losing our intimacy with Him. I could ask hard questions now of each church leader, or of myself, but I’ll say it this way: My first thought shouldn’t be “what do I get out of it?” when the Lord provides for His church or His people. Rather, I should be happy that He has blessed my neighbor, whoever they may be! The Lord wants His church free from the love of money, and full of love for Him and each other! I would encourage anyone reading this to seek the Lord, to examine themselves, and let the Lord reveal if there is any idolatry of money in their hearts or in our church bodies. Please pray for your leaders--that they be free from the love of money, and that they each have a heart like that young man, who was willing to give the coat off of his back, because of the love of God. 

God’s arm is not short to provide, and His bank account has never been overdrawn. We simply cannot worship money in the church of the living God, but God alone. If we have all the faith to pray in every dime the Church needs to meet every need, but we worship the dimes, what are we left with? God has been merciful to leave us trusting many times, so that we can learn to trust Him alone, and worship Him alone. The Church that worships Him alone can be trusted with much. May we all repent where we’ve tried to serve God and money. May we glorify God with our finances in the Church always. The Lord bless you all.


Beverly Jones - October 15th, 2021 at 2:01pm


Melissa - October 15th, 2021 at 5:19pm

Wow! Beautiful! Very convicting! Praise the Lord!

Judy Warner - October 16th, 2021 at 11:02pm

This is a much needed word for our society today. Thank you for sharing!

Barbara Crim - October 17th, 2021 at 6:03pm

Thank you for this personal story and convicting message to my heart. I pray that The intent of my heart at all times will be to serve God and not wealth. This message was truth from the Holy Spirit. May it sanctify my heart.