Our Story

"Where there is no vision, there is no hope." - G.W. Carver

History and vision

Found Ministries (formerly Revival for Our Day) was founded as a nonprofit in 1962 to facilitate the ministry of Rev. and Mrs. Loran Helm. Approximately 20 years before the inception of Found, Rev. Helm had left all to follow Jesus. Having received a deep revelation of Luke 9:23, Bro. Helm (as he was known to many through the years) understood that denying self and taking up his cross daily included not making any of his own plans but simply trusting the Holy Spirit to lead, guide, and direct him moment by moment, day by day. This was no small undertaking considering Rev. Helm was married with small children; however, his resolve to leave all to follow Jesus exponentially eclipsed his desire for comfort or being understood by those around him. Loran Helm was called as an apostle of Jesus Christ to the Church universal.
The Holy Spirit led the Helms to thousands of believers throughout their lives in whom the Holy Spirit placed an unquenchable desire to lean wholly on Jesus. Rev. Helm’s life--his testimony--became a tangible example that God could lead people today as he did in the days of old. Some of these “found people” had it in their hearts to establish an organization that would make it possible for Rev. Helm to be free to obey the Holy Spirit the way he knew was necessary. Rev. Emory Reece, Rev. Paul Hill, Rev. J.R. Boggs, and Rev. Dwight Stoner were the founding board of directors for Revival for Our Day. Our organization is forever in gratitude of their faithfulness and obedience to do the work of the Lord.

Where we are headed...

Rev. Helm received his reward when he passed into eternity in 2006 (four years after Florence) but the vision they stewarded for world-wide Holy Spirit awakening remained. There remain a cooperative of Pastors who, like Bro. Helm, left all to follow Jesus and are tasked with  “equip[ping] of the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ, until we all attain to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God…” (Eph. 4:12-13).
Found Ministries believes this work of equipping and building is still in process. We believe that Holy Spirit is awakening His Church even now. As an organization called to the World, we believe in the importance of continuing to support and facilitate the work God began through Rev. Helm. We believe we are watching Aunt Zelpe’s prophecy come to pass: ”this young man is going to be a man of God; and his faith, or that of his seed, will circle the globe.” It is our desire to support these pastors and their flocks as they continue the work Bro. Helm began--loving old friends, and making new ones, all while doing the work of the ministry together.
There is a saint in this ministry who released a word to the Church in the first half of 2019. She spoke three simple words, “belief opens everything.” Revival for Our Day believed in Rev. Helm and those called to walk alongside him and Found believes in those who still believe and champion the call to leave all and follow Jesus. We believe in Holy Ghost Revival to the World. We believe in the Church’s ability to hear and respond both now and until Jesus returns. May it continue and increase.